Congressman Huffman Warns Against Immediately Ending Covid-19 Emergency Declaration

February 01, 2023
A North Bay Congressman is speaking out against ending the COVID-19 emergency declaration. House Republicans have voted to end the public health emergency this week despite news from the White House that the Biden Administration plans to end it in May. Speaking on KSRO’s The Drive, Congressman Jared Huffman says an abrupt end to the public health emergency would have serious consequences.
“Right now, vaccines are free to everybody because of that emergency and we have a bunch of other services, telemedicine and others things, that we are probably going to want to continue,” said Huffman. “So we got to be thoughtful when we talk about winding down something as impactful as a public health declaration.”
Over 395-thousand people are fully vaccinated in Sonoma County. The bill passed in the House is unlikely to be approved by the Democratically controlled Senate and even less likely to be signed by President Biden.

By:  Staff
Source: KRSO